Covered Procedures

Covered Procedures

Covered Procedures

Samos Insurance policies can be purchased for hundreds of elective procedures, so it’s accessible to as many patients as possible.

While we don’t cover emergency surgeries, we do cover many elective surgeries and are continuously expanding the list of procedures included.

While we don’t cover emergency surgeries, we do cover many elective surgeries and are continuously expanding the list of procedures included.

Some of the most common procedures that we cover
  • Appendectomy
  • Joint Replacements
  • Cardiac valve replacement
  • Cesarean section
  • Cholecystectomy
  • Coronary artery bypass graft
  • Hysterectomy
  • Hernia repair
  • Colectomy
  • Prostatectomy

If you don't see your procedure on this list, please reach out to us! Surgeries are known by many names that may not necessarily be listed below.

Why are certain common procedures missing?
Some very common procedures are not included because the risks associated with them are so low, we do not feel it is reasonable to offer coverage for them
My procedure seems simple. Do I really need insurance?
While some procedures aren’t very invasive or are generally low risk to physical complications, the majority of the risk comes from anesthesia. Learn more about anesthesia.
  1. Adnexa removal - remove tissue from uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes

  2. Adrenalectomy - adrenal gland(s) removal

  3. Angiogram - catheterization to inspect the heart

  4. Appendectomy - appendix removal

  5. Bartholin cyst - drain cyst near vaginal opening

  6. Bilateral salpingo oophorectomy (BSO) - remove ovaries and fallopian tubes

  7. Biliopancreatic diversion duodenal switch (BPD/DS) - create small sleeve of the stomach and connect to small intestine

  8. Bowel resection - remove (part of) the small or large intestine and/or rectum

  9. Brachioplasty - remove excess upper arm fat and tighten loose skin

  10. Breast reduction - reduce mammary tissue and/ or mammary fat

  11. Cardiac fluoroscopy - video monitoring of the heart

  12. Cardiac measurement - measure cardiac output and function

  13. Cardiotomy - remove foreign material or fluid from heart

  14. Cardiovascular radiography - imaging to inspect the heart

  15. Carotid endarterectomy - remove plaque buildup in carotid artery

  16. Cervical spinal fusion - fusing the spinal vertebrae above the neck

  17. Cholecystectomy - gallbladder removal

  18. Cholecystoenterostomy - creating a passage between gallbladder and intestine

  19. Colectomy - remove (part of) large intestine

  20. Colpopexy - bringing a displaced vagina into normal position

  21. Conization - remove cervical tissue sample

  22. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) - using graft to divert blood around blocked arteries

  23. Coronary bypass - divert and restore heart blood flow

  24. Coronary dilation - expand heart’s artery/ies

  25. Coronary stent or angioplasty - expandable mesh coil placed in artery

  26. Cox maze - pattern of scar tissue to treat irregular heart rhythm

  27. Cesarean section - assisted delivery of a baby

  28. Childbirth - Unassisted delivery of a baby through the vagina

  29. Cystectomy - remove bladder

  30. Cystocele repair - return bladder and/or vagina to the normal position

  31. Cystoplasty - enlarge bladder due to urinary issues

  32. Endometrium surgery - remove uterine lining tissue

  33. Esophagectomy - remove (part of) the esophagus

  34. Fallopian tube recanalization (FTR) - reversal of tubal ligation

  35. Fundoplasty - treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and/or hernias

  36. Gastric balloon - balloon inflated in the stomach to reduce volume

  37. Gastric band - inserting an adjustable band around the stomach

  38. Gastric band removal - remove gastric band around stomach

  39. Gastric sleeve - remove (part of) stomach and connect it to small intestine

  40. Heller myotomy - treat achalasia of esophagus

  41. Hepatectomy - remove (part of) liver

  42. Hepatic artery infusion pump - catheter pump to deliver medication to the liver

  43. Hepatoportoenterostomy - bile drainage

  44. Hernia repair - repair a protrusion in the abdominal wall

  45. Hip replacement - replacing a worn out hip joint

  46. Hysterectomy - removal of uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and/or cervix

  47. Ileocecectomy - remove the top of the large intestine

  48. Ileostomy - inspection of small intestine

  49. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) - device inserted to measure heart rhythm

  50. Jejunostomy - feeding tube placed in small intestine

  51. Knee replacement - replacing a worn out knee joint / cap

  52. Lesion excision - remove skin growth(s)

  53. Liposuction/tummy tuck - remove abdominal fat and tighten loose skin

  54. Liver ablation - remove liver cyst and/or tumor(s)

  55. Liver biopsy - liver tissue removal for testing

  56. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) - remove abnormal reproductive tissue with a heated wire loop

  57. Lymph node biopsy - remove lymph tissue for diagnostics

  58. Lymphadenectomy - remove lymph nodes

  59. Lymphocele drainage - drain buildup of lymph fluid

  60. Mastectomy - removal of breast(s)

  61. Median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS) - dividing median arcuate ligament (a ligament in the diaphragm) and abdominal nerve

  62. Myomectomy - remove uterine fibroids

  63. Neck lift - remove excess neck fat 

  64. Nephrectomy - remove (part of) kidney

  65. Non-cervical spinal fusion - fusing the spinal vertebrae below the neck

  66. Omentopexy/omentoplasty - omentum circulation is diverted to neighbouring organ

  67. Oophorectomy - ovary removal

  68. Open heart surgery - repair of heart muscles, valves, and/or arteries

  69. Orchiectomy - remove testicle(s)

  70. Orchiopexy - bringing an undescended testicle into normal position

  71. Pacemaker placement - device implanted into heart’s right ventricle through catheter

  72. Pelvic exenteration - remove uterus, cervix, vagina, bladder, and/or rectum

  73. Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy - drain excess fluid in heart’s pericardium sac

  74. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) - feeding tube placed from abdominal wall into stomach

  75. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) - balloon catheter to open clogged arteries

  76. Pericardiectomy - cutting pericardium sac for free movement

  77. Perineal urethrostomy - catheter in perineum to replace urethra

  78. Pouch reset - returning stomach to normal size

  79. Proctocolectomy - remove large intestine, rectum, and/or anus

  80. Prostatectomy - remove prostate gland and surround lymph nodes

  81. Pyeloplasty - correct damage to ureter-kidney attachment

  82. Pyloromyotomy - creating channel from stomach to small intestine

  83. Rastelli procedure - correct heart defects (eg. DORV, VSD)

  84. Renal ablation - remove kidney cyst and/or tumour(s)

  85. Roux-en-Y/gastric bypass - create a small pouch of the stomach and connect to small intestine

  86. Sacrohysteropexy - lift uterus with mesh placed in cervix

  87. Salpingostomy/fimbrioplasty - create an opening in the fallopian tube(s)

  88. Shoulder replacement - replace a worn out shoulder joint

  89. Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve (SADI/S) - sleeve create with stomach and connected to small intestine

  90. Sling operation/urethra suspension - treating urinary stress or incontinence

  91. Spermatic vein ligation - repair of enlarged scrotal veins

  92. Splenectomy - spleen removal

  93. Thigh lift - remove excess thigh fat

  94. Thoracic endovascular aortic repair - stent used to expand collapsed aorta

  95. Trachelectomy - remove cervix, vagina, and/or lymph nodes

  96. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement - artificial valve implanted in heart with catheter

  97. Tubal ligation/cautery - inhibit fallopian tube(s) function

  98. Ureter surgery - removal of ureter

  99. Ureterolithotomy - remove ureter stones

  100. Valve replacement - replacement of a substitute heart valve (synthetic or tissue)

  101. Valvuloplasty - widening narrow aorta

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FSRA License No. 40743M

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2024 Samos Insurance (12719410 Canada Inc). All Rights Reserved

FSRA License No. 40743M