Peace Of Mind For Surgery

Peace Of Mind For Surgery

Peace Of Mind For Surgery

Fast and affordable on-demand insurance for end-of-life risks during medical procedures. Concentrate on your preparation and recovery without the added weight of financial concerns.

Quick & Easy
Quick & Easy

No medical exams. Apply online & get approved in 5 minutes.

No medical exams. Apply online & get approved in 5 minutes.

Wide Coverage
Wide Coverage

From $50,000 to $200,000 covered on most elective surgeries

From $50,000 to $200,000 covered on most elective surgeries


With the majority of our premiums priced at less than CAD $100, we prioritize ensuring that financial protection during childbirth is within reach for all expectant parents.

With the majority of our premiums priced at less than CAD $100, we prioritize ensuring that financial protection during childbirth is within reach for all expectant parents.

Why Choose Samos Surgical Risk Insurance

Why Choose Samos Surgical Risk Insurance

Why Choose Samos Surgical Risk Insurance

Tailor-made Insurance

Unlike many insurers who shy away from covering individuals anticipating surgical procedures, Samos Surgical Risk Insurance stands out by covering more than 85% of all elective procedures.

On-demand protection

We understand that not everyone might have a financial plan and be able to get insurance before a surgery comes up. We’ve designed Samos SRI so that Canadians can get coverage when they need it most.

We understand that not everyone might have a financial plan and be able to get insurance before a surgery comes up. We’ve designed Samos SRI so that Canadians can get coverage when they need it most.

Empathy-first Insurance

Medical procedures have evolved significantly throughout time but they’re still not 100% risk free. SRI was designed to bring peace-of-mind to this moment, so you can focus on recovery and the road ahead.

Samos Sets You Up For Success

Samos Sets You Up For Success

We simplify the process so you can worry about what matters most.

Get a quote online

Get a quote online

Get a quote online

Receive your non-obligation quote online up to 48hr before your surgery.

Answer just 2 questions and choose your coverage amount.





Digitally Sign & Pay

Digitally Sign & Pay

Digitally Sign & Pay

Sign your policy through Samos' secure online platform.

Sign your policy through Samos' secure online platform.



Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Go to your surgery knowing your loved-ones are cared for.

Pay online using credit or debit and sign digitally.

Get Samos Surgical Risk Insurance

Get Samos Surgical Risk Insurance

Your data is secure with AES-256, block-level storage encryption


2024 Samos Insurance (12719410 Canada Inc). All Rights Reserved

FSRA License No. 40743M

Your data is secure with AES-256, block-level storage encryption


2024 Samos Insurance (12719410 Canada Inc). All Rights Reserved

FSRA License No. 40743M

Your data is secure with AES-256, block-level storage encryption


2024 Samos Insurance (12719410 Canada Inc). All Rights Reserved

FSRA License No. 40743M